Ad Validation

Test your ads with these scanners. Results in <30 seconds.

Ad validation was never so easy. Test and check Display Ad Creatives and VAST Video Tags using the validators here below.

Ad Tag Tester

Validate ad tags to see if they comply with your ad specifications. Check things like Load Speed, CPU/RAM usage, 3P Cookies, SSL issues.

Create your own test report in < 20 seconds.

HTML5 Zip Validator

Test HTML5 display ads against IAB's display ad creative guidelines. Check things like Initial Load, CPU/RAM usage, Click tags, JS errors.

Create your own test report in < 10 seconds.

VAST Tag Scanner

Check if video ads are in line with your guidelines. Test things like Audio Loudness, Video Codecs, Bitrates, VAST versions, Load Times.

Create your own test report in < 30 seconds.
Go ahead, try
it yourself !

VAST Ad Tag Validator Inspector

What is ad validation?

Ad validation is the process where display ads or VAST video tags are tested to see if they comply with technical ad specifications.

For larger publishers, automated ad validation tools are a must-have to scan ads in bulk or via an API.

VAST Ad Tag Validator Inspector

How does ad validation work?

Ad validation works by loading the ad on a test page, while analyzing its performance.

Commonly collected data points for display ads include network load size, security issues and dimension checks.

Ad validation custom ad specification
HTML5 Ad Validator

Why is ad validation important?

Ad validation is important to make sure ads load fast and without issues. The IAB has developed LEAN guidelines for display ad creatives and VAST video ads.

Heavy ads that use too much resources are already removed by Chrome. Non-working ads are missed opportunities for both publishers as advertisers.

HTML5 Ad Validator